Monday 2 November 2015

Tesco Graduate Trainee Programme kepong malaysia

This post is a review to help future and potential graduate trainees.
For sure all companies will say good thing at the beginning until before you sign that 2 year contract. 

So before you make a decision to take the assesment and spent time, if you can fulfill and willing to go through this workload then go for it:

1. Work shift hours at Tesco extra, night shift store opening hours up to 1am. So probably you will go home at 2am (rotation-based and on weekly basis). Ans as early as 6am.

2. Work 9 hours a day (let say 10 hours since you are expected to work more because you are trained to be a store manager). 

3. 6 days a week, means 4 holidays per month.

This programme is good place to learn but not really a place to make money in my opinion.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Jangan naik bas KKKL waktu malam

Ni terjadi last week at 1am hari Rabu malam masa saya on the way dari KLIA ke Rawang pakai highway. Selama ni ingatkan drive tengah2 malam lagi selamat, rupa2nya lagi bahaya! Bas2 & lori2 drive kemain laju lagi. Ada jugak polis buat road blok tapi tempat lain ada je bas laju.

Bas KKKL ni memandu kat lane paling kanan sebab nk potong kami yg berada di lane tengah, dan bas tu berjaya potong kami. Aku yang tengok sendiri pon takut, memang no no lah to bas express / persiaran time malam. Aku tak dapat nak report sebab tak senpat nk tangkap gambar & catit nombor plat.

Kalau boleh elakkan bas malam, elakkan lah

Boikot Celcom

Taken from a Celcom user on Facebook:

Guys, Jangan Guna CELCOM Guys!

Saya adalah pengguna perkhidmatan Celcom.
Saya dah guna Celcom 3 tahun lebih dah.
Saya guna sim jenis S.O.X(School of Xpax)
Dan saya xpakai sebarang internet plan.

Dan hari ni saya rasa teraniaya dengan Celcom dan nak stop pakai Celcom.

Saya dah perasan berbulan dah, bila top up duit, selalu hilang tanpa sebab. Pernah saya top up RM5, hilang terus tanpa saya guna langsung. 4 hari lepas, saya top up RM 10. Saya guna RM3 dan sedar2 baki RM7 dah habes. Disebabkan saya xtahu selok-belok phone dan Celcom ni, saya just assume saya tertekan button Mobile Data dan duit saya habes kat situ.

Tapi semalam, saya tanye pade org yg tahu selok-belok bab ni. Die cek Data Usage kat phone saya. Die kate saye hanya on mobile data pade 3 hari di bulan Jun sahaja. Memang betul pun, time tu saya langgan Rm1 sehari sebab ade urusan di tempat lain. Dan saya dah stop langgan terus time tu.

Persoalannya, kemana duit saya yg banyak yg hilang tu?

Saya call 1111, Celcom punye talian pertanyaan dan aduan.(baru tahu semalam)

Saya cakap dengan die masalah yang saya hadapi.

Pada awalnya, operator Celcom tu tanye saye, ade x terima mesej dari nombor 5 angka? Saya cakap la...memang ade pon. Tapi saye X PERNAH respon langsung dengan mesej dari nombor 5 angka tu.

Tapi operator tu cakap, ade jenis mesej yg kalo x respon BATAL/NO... die akan automatik assume kite nak terima offer tu.

I was like...Apehal?...Aku x setuju pape pon...pastu nak ambek duit aku pulak...And another fact is dalam mesej tu xde ckp pon Kalo x setuju type No or whatever.

Taking my money without my consent and any notice is a total oppression!!!Seriously!!!

Pastu die cakap, kalo nak batalkan boleh. Pastu saya terus suruh batalkan. Tapi die ckp in future akan kena minx batalkan lagi...saya tanye die camne nak matikan terus supaya saya xkan kena lagi mesej2 tu...operator tu cakap...xboleh, memang sistem dah camtu. Pastu talian tiba2 terputus.

Pastu, saya terus cek nombor 5 angka tu. Dalam masa 48 jam yg saya top up RM 10 tu...xde langsung mesej dari nombor 5 angka tu. Saya tertanya-tanya balik dan call balik 1111.

Saya cerita balik benda yg sama sbb operator yg lain pulak yg angkat. Pastu saya tanye...bile last duit saya kena tarik dengan mesej2 5 angka tu? Die pon bagi la beberapa tarikh dan waktu yg specific yg ternyata mmg saya x dpt mesej2 tu. Saya ckp kat die saya dah cek phone saya dan last saya dpt mesej dari nombor 5 angka yg operator tu cakap tadi adalah pada bulan jun yg lalu.

Saya siap sebut balik mesej tu dari nombor mane...baca balik mesej tu pade die dan pade pukul berapa saya terima mesej tu.Mesej die camni.

RM 0 Tonton video-video gempak dari seluruh dunia yg pastinya menghiburkan!Klik http:/ skrg!MsjdrCelcom.Info:1111
Jun 28,2015, 5:49 PM

Saya tanya balik, sebenarnya ke mana duit RM 7 saya tu HILANG?

Operator cakap...die akan sambungkan talian saya dengan supervisor die. Lama saya tunggu...pastu akhirnya dpt pon cakap dgn supervisor.

Selepas sekali lagi cerita semua2 yg dah cerita dgn 2 operator tadi..die tanye saya lagi...

ade guna apps instagram x? saya cakap la ade.
Pastu die cakap mungkin tulah puncanya?

And I was like...Apehal?Ape kaitan guna apps dgn credit aku kena ambek?

Saya tanye la ape kaitannya?

Pastu die tanye lagi...ade x pop up ads tiba2 timbul?

Saya ckp kat insta xde.

Die tanye lagi...ade guna apps youtube x?

Saya cakap la ade. Pastu mmg la ade pop up ads tu.

Pastu die ckp...itu lah yg ambek duit saya.

Saya betul2 xpuas hati...pastu tanye lagi...camne pulak guna apps boleh tarik credit?

Die hanye jawab...die memang camtu. Bile ade pop up ads tu...sama ade kat browser ke youtube ke insta ke...kena call celcom dan suruh operator batalkan.


PAstu....saya suruh cek balik...duit RM7 saya yg hilang tu sbb ape? dengan ayat yg agak tegas...

Tiba2...supervisor tu ckp...Maaflah...malam ni sistem kami down.

Dan akhirnya saya xtahu pon kemana sebenarnya duit RM7 saya tu hilang!


Saya dari dulu ingat Celcom adelah the best antara yg lain...tapi knowing that ugly truth was really membuka mata saya. Family saya kate mmg ramai org yg kena. Ade kes org kena sampai kena caj RM18000, ade yg kena caj RM 2000...kakak dgn abg saya sendiri dah pernah kena dan depa dah tuka pon.

Saya post benda ni...sbb saye rase saya dah teraniaya dan bertanggungjawab utk beritahu org lain supaya x teraniaya jugak.

Apa yg boleh saya concludekan...Celcom pada hakikatnya menggunakan weakness kite utk cari keuntungan.

Seriously, ambek duit org tanpa tahu sebab dan reason...dan ambek duit org tanpa ape2 notice adalah satu penganiayaan yg besar.

Mungkin korang sendiri lalui benda ni...cuma xperasan dan xpernah cek.

Saya pakai prepaid mudah la sikit utk perasan bab2 ni...camne dgn mereka2 yg pakai bill?tiap2 bulan kena ambek duit tanpa perasan...

Bukankah Maqasid Syariah menuntut supaya tiada penganiayaan ke atas kita semua? Bukankah Kita perlukan negara yg secure utk hidup dengan tenang? BUkankah kita perlukan syarikat2 yg membuat urusan yg adil?

Boleh tolong viralkan?supaya xde lagi yg dizalimi dan dianiaya mcm saye.


Saturday 24 October 2015

Mothercare Alamanda customer servis teruk

Alamanda Putrajaya

First time nak membeli kat kedai bayi Mothercare, kebetulan tengah bawak troli dari AeonBig, sebelum masuk kedai tu takde sign no troli so aku pun bawak je la troli masuk.

Lepas 15 minit dalam tu dah grab 1 barang kene tegur pulak. Pekerja semua ok kecuali Cashier dia seorang makcik kata no troli eh, amboi rasa mcm kena halau betul. Salah korang lah tak tampal stiker, mahal sangat ke stiker tu. So aku pon tak jadi beli. 

Saturday 10 October 2015

Aini Salon presint 9 Putrajaya

Presint 9, Putrajaya

1. Bila ditanya kedai di mana, i was expecting alamat tapi owner pon tak tahu alamat, kata nya bawah terowong. Okayy so x pelah aku cari sendiri.

2. Dari segi physical kedai, tangga ke tingkat atas agak kotor, tapi disebabkan murah so tak pelah

3. Tgk2 kena tunggu lama sbb diorg tengah rebonding rambut customer lain. So i leave the place sbb lama lagi nk kena tunggu and i dont have the time. Sedih sikit la sbb dah buang masa datang dari jauh so thats it a very short review from me. 

Monday 5 October 2015

Elakkan membeli property di bawah projek PKNS

Cyberjaya Malaysia

Saya ada beli 1 servis apartment di Cyberjaya di bawah PKNS. Masa nak beli tu ingatkan PKNS ni boleh buat kerja professional lah, tengok bangunan pun dah nak siap. Assuming PKNS bawah kerajaan so harapnya takde lah masalah terbengkalai ke apa. Nama apartment tu Vega Residensi, expected siap dapat kunci Januari 2015. Sekarang dah 6 oktober k. Bangunan semua dah siap tinggal nak dapatkan air dari Syabas. Syabas pulak yang memang terkenal dengan servis teruk ada masalah dengan pkns, so kami buyer rumah lah yang kena tanggung. Dah macam apartment terbengkalai. Masa nak jual apartment kemain manis lagi mulut. No more buying any property by PKNS ever again

TGI Friday customer service experience

TGI Friday, ioi city mall Putrajaya Malaysia

"Superb bad customer service at TGI Fridays in IOI Mall. I've checked in 40mins ago without giving me drinks and soup. The table next to me came later and already gotten their foods and so on. I was so frustrated that I wanted to walk away from the restaurant. My drinks only came 32mins later and foods definitely 40 mins after checked in. I demand to see the Manager but unfortunately the Supervisor has to get scold from me. I've made my complaint towards the bad service. According to him, the salad already prepared earlier but sandwich made a mistake. So he decided to bring the foods out together. You see, the main was he never has the courtesy to inform customers that will be bringing out later. At least the salad first. He did not. No words from him nor his staff to tell me. Therefore, he got f*** up from me. I was superb pissed and frustrated. It's already 930pm and it's late for dinner. My last word, no recommendation to come to this restaurant."

A review taken on facebook

Saturday 3 October 2015

Chatime ioi city mall poor service

Ioi city mall Putrajaya

Happen last Thursday we bought 2 cups of chatime. Was dissapointed because the cashier gave us a large size cup without asking us first. I dont mind if it free but unfortunately its not free and he charge us extra for the upgrade. Wont buy anything from this place again. 

Their seat are also non friendly, no wifi and plug points

Why you should not use GemFive (review)

(GemFive is an online shopping site like Lazada/amazon)

We bought a smartphone (Xiomi) through that website and guess what? That phone was defective! Isnt working at all. They promise to fix it but its has been a week already and i havent heard anything from them. I feel cheated and dissapointed with their extremely poor customer service. 

"We cannot commit on specific pick up time" 
Are you kidding?

Monday 28 September 2015 review (beware buyer!) - Malaysia 

1. Ive used to buy some stuff for about 5x. I was very dissatisfied and disappointed. Unlike Ebay (i am a very frequent user of ebay), are  bias towards seller & not buyer friendly. I repeat. Not buyer friendly! So if you are about to buy anything via, think again. You are taking a huge risk of losing your money.

2. Why?
- seller profile rating has its trick, they dont fully expose seller negative ratings. I used to rate a seller negatively and it doesn't show up on their profile. 
- after you log in, you click on the "my purchase" to see your recent purchase. Guess what happen? Theyll ask you to log in again, twice. What a time waster.
- you will have to undergo several blocks before you can even contact the seller, especially after youve made the payment, regardless of the whatever you call that buyer protection, thats all bullshit. Ive used that before and seller deliver my stuff after more than a week, very unreliable.
- unprofessional website and too many bugs and advertisement. Design Looks like pasar malam punya kualiti.
- in order to contact the seller you have to verify your phone. So i did but didn't receive any verification code, hence you wont be able to contact the seller, imagine if this happen after youve made your payment (happened to me)

3. Therefore I'll say that this website is a total scam, you better contact the seller directly at their shop etc.

Friday 18 September 2015

Tips sebelum buka franchise

Berikut adalah tips2 berguna selepas beberapa research & foundings yang saya dapat dari observation & readings.

1. Franchise adalah salah satu bentuk investment, sama seperti investment hartanah (sewa rumah, sewa kedai, etc). Maka, walaupun bukan mudah untuk dapatkan franchise daripada company2 yang dah mantap, kita jangan terlalu terkejar, kita juga sebagai investor ada hak untuk investigate betul-betul sama ada syarikat tu betul2 berbaloi untuk dibeli, lagi2 melibatkan jumlah wang yang besar lagi2 industry f&b (food & beverage).

2. Setiap syarikat memerlukan sekurang2nya 3 tahun untuk dapatkan lesen franchise. Kalau kedai tu baru tu bukan franchise nama nya, itu licensing. Apa beza licensing dengan franchise? 

3. Selidik dahulu perkhidmatan apa yang akan diberikan oleh syarikat induk (franchisor) kepada franchisee. Sesetengah syarikat meminta bayaran antara RM 75 ribu - RM 200 ribu untuk franchisee fee. Ada sesetengah syarikat tidak ambil kira kos marketing, walaupun marketing adalah tanggungjawab dan tugas franchisor. Saya pernah berbincang dengan satu syarikat burger yang terkenal di Malaysia yang tidak include marketing service dalam franchise fee mereka yang mahal itu.

4. Interview/temu ramah owner/pemilik atau manager store (f&b) franchisee dahulu. Interview lah lebih dari 3 franchisee kalau boleh. Dapatkan maklumat seperti perangai franchisor, komitmen franchisor samada stok dihantar on time atau lambat, apa perkhidmatan yang diberikan dll. Kalau kebanyakkannya negatif, cari lah syarikat lain. Kalau owner baik hati & mood okayy, tanya lah average sales sebulan. Kalau sales nya lebih dari RM 80 000, then insyaAllah ok. Sebelum nak interview jangan lupa break the ice dulu. 

5. Franchise manager akan beri estimated sales, jangan terima bulat2. Itu juga antara sebab kenapa kita perlu interview existing franchisee. Cawangan yang banyak & facebook page likes yang banyak tidak semestinya untungnya banyak, mungkin mereka juga masih bertungkus lumus untuk dapatkan ROI (return of investment). 2 hingga 3 tahun adalah jangka masa (range) yang reasonable. 

6. Selidik asset induk (franchisor). Adakah franchisor ada asset yang banyak atau adakah asset / sales franchisor datang kebanyakkan nya dari franchisee fee? 

7. Latihan (training) mesti lah diberi kan dalam jangka masa yang reasonable seperti 3 bulan. Syarikat burger yang saya pernah interview hanya beri training selama 2 minggu. Itu adalah antara warning signs yang anda perlu berhati-hati. Syarikat yang bagus adalah syarikat yang ada vision yang tinggi dan jauh, dan bukan sekadar nak buat duit. Syarikt yang bagus akan pasti kan calon owner franchisee akan menjaga nama syarikat tersebut dengan elok, maka training akan diberi kan dengan baik. 

( yes you can say masak burger je so tak perlu training lama2, atau previous experience f&b yang lepas2 sudah mencukupi, but in my opinion, 2 minggu training is not enough at all. You can get your own training for sure no problem, what I am pointing out here is it says alot the 'perangai' and commitment and level of involvement sesebuah franchisor itu. 

8. Baca dengan teliti terms & condition sebelum tandatangan surat agreement franchise. Di negara barat dipanggil FDD (Franchise Disclosure Document). Document ini perlu include samada ada tak cawangan franchisee yang pernah tutup. 

9. Walaupun estimated kos adalah RM 500 000, sentiasa sediakan duit lebih, contohnya RM 750 000. Lack of initial capital adalah salah satu punca besar syarikat boleh gulung tikar.

More info and tips boleh didapati di atau google sahaja dalam bahasa inggeris "warning signs franchise" (contoh). Pilih lah website / artikel yang reliable. Kalau link website tu .com .ca .au atau .gov lagi bagus. 

Semoga bermanfaat. Goodluck.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Akar Beach Resort, Port Dickson Review

Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia 

This review was based from year 2014, weekdays

- new and clean building (room)
- price was affordable
- internet not bad, unlike other hotels that we went
- free breakfast and delicious nasi lemak
- beach behind the hotel was cleaner and not crowded, hence we had the privacy we need

- hotel doesnt own the beach but it wasnt far from the hotel, 1 minute walk.
- room design was simple, no carpet, but  it wasnt a big deal because I was more concern about cleanliness
- limited car park 

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Ioi City Mall are not for families (public holidays)

Ioi City Mall, Putrajaya 

The worst experience in shopping mall ever! as a family
1. Extremely small surau
2. Lack of elevators (lif), families are using bulky strollers and I couldnt go in even after 5 attempts, and my little baby is crying for food! (Breastfeeding). Elevators are small too. 
3. Lack of diaper changing and breastfeeding room and washroom that are baby friendly! This should be at every floor and every toilet should ATLEAST have a place to change diaper. Poor planning.

Bad KFC customer service, IOI City Mall Putrajaya

IOI City Mall Putrajaya

1. I already give my feedback online to get a discounted pricedessert RM 2. KFC cashier and manager refuse to redeem because they we had to buy minimum RM 15. However the minimum RM 15 purchase was for their previous promotion only. The receipt did not mention anything about the RM 15. It was not a big deal for us, but I wanted to highlight that both cashier and manager are not updated and fully understand their own promotion. Wont eat here anymore!

2. There were 4 counters but only 2 counters were open, resulting in long queues. Wasted my time here.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Pullman Hotel Putrajaya

Pullman Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia 

Went to visit Pullman hotel with my husband & baby few months ago just to observe the place because I had a job interview the next day. 

Because its a 4 5 star hotel, i was curious and I wanted to see what makes them special. 

Was delighted to see lots of smiling face and warm welcome at the lobby. It doesn't stop there. The cleaner and carpenter also smiled at us (okayy so this is different, reminds me of Canada). Construction worker also smile at us, thats like wow! Is that really a part of your job? 

Interview was short but they make me wait for 45 minutes before letting me in to be interviewed (i was the only candidate there). They also said theyll contact me but havent heard anything til now. A bit disappointed, but i wasnt hoping because the salary they offer was wayy low than what I expected. Not worth my time and I would rather take care of my baby at home.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Aduan SPAD was very responsive

We were from Rawang to Seremban for a wedding last Sunday and a lorry in front of us (lane beside us) masuk lane kami sangat last minit and so sudden. Thank God my husband sempat break and were very frightened! I took their plate number and called SPAD immidiately.

I was suprise with SPAD service for several reason:
- operator was very minimal (less than a minute)
- the person who I talk to was very professional in terms of her manner
- i received a confirmation email 5 minutes after i make that call. 
- they sent me another email after a week  saying that they have warn the lorry owner.

Impressed by their service and I hope all Malaysians should contribute as well to make the world a better place.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Very responsible - The Manhattan Fish Market

Alamanda Putrajaya, Malaysia

I went here for lunch during lunch hour on weekdays (Sept 2, 2015) with my husband and baby. Ordered lunch set which includes fish & chips, coke & ice cream. They forgot to give us the ice cream and we realize it when we get home. 

Coincidentally we went to Alamanda again the next day, so we saja singgah to let them know their mistake and they compensate us. 

Great customer service! Recommended

Nabilah Z